Saturday, September 27, 2008

Loving the non post office

So I got a scale and I LOVE it. I had no idea how easy life could be if I could just mail everything from home and not have the worries of going to the post office, which seems like an easy task but not with my 2 yr old and being very pregnant, its almost impossible to me. SO, now I don't have to worry about it anymore. I can weigh it, pay for it and print shipping label and get a delivery or drop it in a mailbox or I think I can even leave it for the post man if its small enough. I still need to figure that one out.

So I am getting ready to use the call for a pick up function, I have a big box to mail, just waiting to see which address they'd like me to mail it too. Then I will be able to do that too. Can you tell how excited I am. I just hope my sales don't stop now. LOL Well thats ok, I can use it for Christmas gifts. Positive thinking people.

OH I almost forgot the best part!!! This means, that I know exactly what the shipping will be and I have lowered almost all of my shipping prices probably 90% of them. Sometimes at the post office I got confused and for some reason things cost more. Now I bought new packers to mail in and they are less money to ship and delivery confirmation is SOOOOO much cheaper to buy online its crazy.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Finally I bought a scale

So how long have I been selling online and using paypal, well almost 10 years and I finally decided to take advantage of paypals shipping method. I bought a postal scale and all I have to do is weigh on my nifty new scale and then I can pay and print out my shipping labels and no more post office issues. I never really minded going into the post office until my daughter turned 2 and I ended up having to put her in a stroller (and thats crazy in itself since there is no automatic door and there are 2 doors I have to open to get in this tiny little post office) oh and did I mention I'm pregnant now 34 weeks so its a little hard to get this done and I'm going weekly or maybe 2 times a week so I have been having my hubby go for me and even though he hasn't said it, its his least favorite place to go especially on his way to work. I think I have solved sooooo many problems buy making this purchase I can't wait to get it. I am so excited I am going to mail so much, so this means as soon as I get it going, I think I'll have to have a big SALE!! I'll have to decide what it will be. But seeing I'm still not getting any sales on etsy and that is where I'd have my sale it really doesn't matter now does it? LOL Ebay has been good to me lately but my prices are already on sale there unless you buy it now, so hmmmmmm what to do? I will have a sale on etsy though and see what happens, ya never know, especially close to the holidays.

So this week I've listed some maternity items on ebay and also some super cute toddlers Etnies skate sneakers. Also my usual red sox, yankees, and patriots tag blankets, I will put up more soon I have some drybees pocket diapers and inserts and tiedye dog coats. So take a lookie loo at ebay.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A little here, a little there, but none over there

I am still trying to figure this one out. I'm guessing its where the shoppers are for kiddo things. But this is whats happening. I am selling on ebay, on craigslist, by word of mouth in person but NOT ON ETSY where I have my website and where I do the most in promoting. I just don't get it. I also have a free shipping sale right now on etsy and not any of the other places, hmmmmm?????
So I just need to figure out why. The pictures are the same ones, the descriptions are the same and the things that are selling are the same. I'm not complaining if thats what it sounds like, because sales are coming in, but why not from etsy? Thats what I'm wondering. So I think I will try to find another place to sell on and see if that one works too. :D But I am getting a few more views on etsy so there are people looking. Any ideas anyone?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Free shipping in September

So this is turning out to be a sports month for Little Mamas Diapers.

I am offering FREE SHIPPING on all of my sports related items. Not including Diaper Cakes and also only in the U.S. anyone wishing to order from outside the US please contact me for a shipping rate at or convo me on my website. Everything that is free shipping is already marked that
way so its just order and pay and I will mail, that easy. So since football is starting baseball is still going, I seem to be very sports minded lately and I will be adding more tag blankets (red sox real soon, like in the next day or 2) , little pillow decorations (they just flew out), maybe even some cloth wipes (football).

So for all you sports fans its time to stock up
on your gifts and any if theres any birthdays coming up.

Remember that 10% of all my sales this month will be donated to the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation in memory of my grandfather who passed away last month, he was a big outdoorsman that loved to garden and be outside, check out my earlier post.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

So I was finally right EEEEE

Ok, so last I said that I had a feeling I'd have a sale which I why I was spending more and more time on the computer promoting and sure enough it happened. Not on etsy but one on ebay and an offline sale of my pillows and some tag blankets. YAY Thank you!! So it didn't pay off on etsy yet but I'm hopefull and I do need to shop more for more fabric since I'm totally out of my red sox material and out of my Red sox products but haha I still have most of my Yankees product and some Patriots. So I will be doing some shopping and sewing in the next few days. Trying to come up with another idea for my fleece (sports) I have tag blankets and pillows and I need to come up with something inexpensive but geared toward toddlers on up rather than babies. Hmmmmmm.

Well just wanted to share my good news YAY me I'm excited and will keep on keepin on until the next one.... Peace!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This is all about "I need a Sale"!!!!

Ok, so I'm not sure what else there is to do, other than wait. I've blogged, listed in the forums alot, posted pics and tags on flickr added my pics to my facebook and myspace page. What else is there? I don't think my prices are high, I do try to go lower than what I think they should be. Maybe its that people aren't shopping for babies right now, or are not looking where I'm posting. I feel like I'm constantly on this computer promoting somewhere and really I spend too much time doing this and not enough with my daughter lately and that needs to change but I just have this feeling that I'm going in the right direction and I will get some sales soon. I see so many people on etsy say I've had at least 1 sale a day or 10 sales a day. Boy o boy I've had my last sale in july. Well I've had more on ebay and also my hyena cart shop which I just recently emptied, I just don't want to keep paying to keep it open. So blah blah, I keep looking for more places to put my things and I've added some different items like my tag blankets and pillows, and also finally got to adding more green things like my cloth wipes and nursing breast pads. I ordered more business cards with all my correct info, so I will no longer be crossing things out on them. I also made more tags for my items and am looking for cloth tags to sew on, which will look nicer and will keep showing my name and website without the option of throwing it out.

So as my little pregnant mind gets sidetracked again I'll put up some pics and keep on keepin on!
Oh and just so eveyone knows I do know my pics are bad and need work and yes that is on the top of my list and will get done asap.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Introducing Yankees and Patriots

So you asked and I made, whatcha think? New York Yankees Tag Blanket and New England Patriots Tag Blanket. I have them both listed on ebay right now and also Yankees is listed in etsy now and Pats will be tomorrow. This should be interesting to see where the fans are and how many of each. So far interestingly enough they do not come from New York or Mass. Maybe they will at some point. Well short and sweet I just wanted to show my newest tag blankets and show that I do follow through. :D Now I'm off to watch my Red Sox!! LOL

Monday, September 1, 2008

Showin some new items to Little Mamas

Just a quick one to show what I've been up to lately.
Of course I made more Red Sox items, little pillow door hangings, or wall hangings or even use as a pillow but of course make sure the ribbon is cut off if a child is playing with it.

Now for some Green things.

I have been wanting to add these to Little mamas for so long and I finally made some. Cloth Wipes, they are a wonderful alternative to disposable wipes, they will fit right into your wipes container and you can just add water (or many people make a great diaper wipes spray).

Hemp Breast pads, they are a 4 layer hemp flannel material and are reuseable and work GREAT!!! They are so much better than the disposable ones, they can be washed with your regular laundry and reused and they are already soft and keep getting softer and softer with each wash.

I will be adding more tag blankets and wipes real soon, so keep on checking back.!!
