My Little Buddy Dylan
Today I had to bring my little buddy Dylan to the vet ER. He hadn't been able to keep anything in for 24 hours, so off we go. I was pretty sure on my way there that he would be spending the night there, he was very dehydrated. So I'm waiting for results, the not knowing was so hard, I mean I know it was not going to be good news but how bad it would be was making me go nuts. Finally they called and I froze, thank goodness for a crying 1 year old and a 3 year old yelling mommy mommy I want a snack, to lighten the mood. Well he's very sick, he's 10 years old btw, they told me he is diabetic and has had it for a long time and that is what made him sick, they are also almost certain he has cushings disease, so both are treatable but not curable. He will need to be monitered daily, then weekly and 2 times a day insulin shots for the rest of his life plus meds.
Good news is he is starting to feel a bit better but will need to be on and IV for a bit more, so he will be at the ER until at least monday morning.
Here is a pic of him a couple years ago with my daughter.
For my major unexpected Vet bills I will be having a sale at my shop where all the money will be going to Dylans bills. Just mention blog in checkout and you will be refunded 10%. Heres a link.
I love you little buddy!